As a Sacramento bankruptcy attorney, I typically take a client’s case before the he or she files the bankruptcy petition. I do this in order to help him or her prepare the petition before the actual filing Chapter 7 or Chapter 13. Preparation for bankruptcy can mean a lot of things, including making strategic decisions regarding which assets are important to an individual. Understanding the bankruptcy process and knowing the complex rules become an important aspect of any Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing in order to eliminate or minimize a person’s exposure to his or her creditors.

Unfortunately, unrepresented litigants often fail to understand the complexities involved in a case and that seems to be what happened with a debtor in In re Ruiz, a case from the Bankruptcy Appellate Panel of the Tenth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. In this case, Jose and Carrie Ruiz wrote checks for business purchases, a charitable donation and their monthly mortgage payment just before petitioning for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The checks had not yet cleared on the day of the petition, so their trustee argued that they technically still had the money and should be required to turn it over to the estate. A bankruptcy court in Utah disagreed, but the BAP reversed it, requiring them to turn over about $3,700.

The Ruiz’s checks were written between March 29 and April 23 of 2010; they filed their bankruptcy petition electronically on April 24. On their schedules, the Ruiz’s listed a checking account with $10.02. This was the number that would be true once the checks cleared; however, the account actually contained $3,764.99. The last of the four cleared on April 28, 2010. During the section 341 hearing, the Ruiz’s trustee discovered the discrepancy and moved to require them to turn over the rest of the money. The bankruptcy court denied the Trustee’s motion and found that the disputed money was not debtor property. Rather, it found that the checking account was a debt owed by the bank to the Ruiz’s, and that debt was the estate’s property; the bank had actual control and possession of the money. The court further held that the trustee, not the Ruiz’s, had the obligation to collect that debt on behalf of the bankruptcy estate. The trustee appealed.

As an attorney who protects my clients against foreclosure, I am very familiar with the concept of filing a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy stop the foreclosure sale. Since the filing of a bankruptcy petition includes an automatic stay – a court order prohibiting all creditors from collecting against debts held by the debtor – the filing often results in providing the bankruptcy client with some temporary or even permanent relief.

The Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can even help a debtor in the long run if the bankruptcy allows the debtor to catch up on any arrearages and reorganize their unsecured debts. This may also work in the event that a mortgage lender has a flawed claim on the property held by the debtor or has broken some sort of predatory lending law. However, as the Ninth Circuit Bankruptcy Appellate Panel ruled in Edwards v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., filing bankruptcy is not the right avenue to pursue for a debtor whose property has already been foreclosed against. In Edwards, the appellate Panel upheld the bankruptcy court’s decision to grant relief from stay to the bank.

Lupi Paulo Edwards, from Southern California, filed a Chapter 7 bankruptcy petition in August of 2010. Her home lender, Wells Fargo, moved the court for relief from stay shortly thereafter. Wells Fargo included a copy of the Trustee’s Deed whereby they purchased the property at a sale on May 17, 2010. Wells Fargo then began proceedings to eject Edwards from the property. Edwards attempted to oppose the bank and argued that Wells Fargo had no standing to request that the court allow it to begin the foreclosure proceedings.

Sacramento area residents considering a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy should be interested to learn about the recent United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals case: In re Brenda Marie Jones, which affects how a second bankruptcy filing affects a persons tax debts. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals governs all appeals made from Sacramento area federal courts, including bankruptcy matters.

Federal and State income taxes can typically be discharged if they were due more than three years ago. However, the three-year standard can be extended if the debt could not have been collected. This means that when an automatic stay is issued in a previous bankruptcy, the debt cannot be collected, which therefore extends the time period to which a debtor must wait before he or she can discharge that tax debt.

In the Brenda Marie Jones case, a California woman filing for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy owed a debt, more than three years old, to the California Franchise Tax Board (CFTB). Ms. Jones attempted to discharge that debt in her new bankruptcy but the CFTB argued that because Jones had previously filed for bankruptcy, they were prevented from collecting the tax debt and it was therefore improper for her to discharge the debt in the recently filed case.

Los residentes de California que residen en el área metropolitana de Sacramento pueden estar interesados en conocer una actualización de la jurisprudencia que podría afectar a cualquier modificación de préstamo hipotecario. La tendencia actual en relación con los litigios que rodean el Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) ha sido reafirmado por un juez de Washington DC en el caso, Doreen Edwards et al v. Aurora préstamo Administradores LLC. En Edwards, el demandante argumentó que un prestatario debe tener el derecho a demandar, ya que se vieron afectados por el acuerdo entre el HAMP Aurora, un administrador de préstamos privados y Fannie Mae.

Todos los demandantes en el caso fueron elegibles bajo HAMP para una modificación de préstamo hipotecario, pero se les negó, sin embargo por Aurora a pesar de que fueron calificados por el programa. El demandante citó “la incompetencia burocrática sin fin junto con la falta de un recurso efectivo para las denegaciones ilícito” como base para su contra Aurora, después de haber sido negado un préstamo modificado. La demanda alega una violación por parte de Aurora de su acuerdo independiente con Fannie Mae: (1) que Aurora no actuó de buena fe y trato justo y (2) Aurora violó su derecho al debido proceso. Aurora respondió que los demandantes no tenían derecho a demandar ya que no eran partes en el acuerdo con Fannie Mae y Aurora.

Rothstein juez estuvo de acuerdo con Aurora y sostuvo que los prestatarios individuales no tenían derecho a demandar porque no tenían intereses creados en virtud del acuerdo HAMP. El juez Rothstein se unió a numerosas decisiones de los tribunales lo que otros hallazgos similares. Los jueces en todos los tribunales de distrito de California han llevado a cabo esta misma decisión, incluyendo el Distrito Este de California, que atiende todos los casos presentados en el área de Sacramento. Estos tribunales han sostenido con el fin de que una persona tenga en pie, los demandantes propietario tenía que demostrar que Fannie Mae y Aurora la intención de incluir a los prestatarios, individual, a su acuerdo de HAMP.

California residents who reside in the Sacramento metropolitan area may be interested to know an update in case-law that could potentially impact any home loan modification. The ongoing trend regarding litigation surrounding the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has been re-affirmed by a Washington D.C. Judge in Doreen Edwards et al v. Aurora Loan Servicers LLC. In Edwards, the Plaintiff argued that an individual borrower should have the right to sue because they were impacted by the HAMP agreement between Aurora , a private loan servicer and Fannie Mae.

All Plaintiffs in the case were eligible under HAMP for a home loan modification but were nonetheless denied by Aurora even though they were qualified under the program. The plaintiff’s cited “endless bureaucratic incompetence coupled with a lack of effective recourse for wrongful denials” as a basis for their against Aurora after having been denied a modified loan. The lawsuit alleged a violation by Aurora of its independent agreement with Fannie Mae: (1) that Aurora failed to act in good faith and fair dealing and (2) Aurora violated their right to Due Process. Aurora responded that the plaintiffs were not eligible to sue since they were not parties to the agreement with Fannie Mae and Aurora.

Judge Rothstein agreed with Aurora and held that the individual borrowers had no right to sue because they had no vested interest under the HAMP agreement. Judge Rothstein joined numerous other court decisions making similar findings. Judges in all District Courts of California have held this same decision including the Eastern District of California, which hears all cases brought in the Sacramento area. These courts have held in order for a person to have standing, the homeowner plaintiffs had to show that Fannie Mae and Aurora intended to include the borrowers, individually, to their HAMP agreement.

Lawmakers in Sacramento decided to vote against a bill that would have stopped “dual track” foreclosures across the state last week. The legislation, SB 729, required lenders to completely evaluate a borrower for a loan modification before they filed the notice of default, which officially begins the foreclosure process.

Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg (D-Sacramento) and Sen. Mark Leno (D-San Francisco) have authored this sweeping legislation that was designed to limit dual tracking, which is the practice by mortgage lenders to pursue foreclosure at the same time they request a loan modification.

According to the LA Times, SB 729 would have gone further than any existing anti-foreclosure measure by preventing dual-track foreclosures for all California mortgages. The bill would have required lenders to completely decline a modification before it began the foreclosure proceedings. Had lenders failed to make a definite decision regarding the modification SB 729 would permit the lender to halt or void the foreclosure for up to a year after the sale of the house.

Abogados de quiebra en Sacramento que archivan el Capítulo 7 y Capítulo 13 bancarrotas en nombre de las personas se alegrarán de saber que el Centro para Préstamos Responsables ha publicado un estudio que muestra que tiene más sentido para los prestamistas a modificar préstamo propietario de una casa en dificultades es que a excluir de inmediato en el individuo a la propiedad. El Centro publicó un estudio el 22 de marzo que investigó si los inversores que tenían un préstamo moroso podría recuperar más dinero a través de una ejecución hipotecaria o modificación. El estudio utilizó la prueba del valor actual neto (VAN), que es utilizado por el programa de modificación de préstamos federales, además de numerosos programas privados. La respuesta resultó ser (en la mayoría de las circunstancias), si el préstamo se titulizados o no, que tenía más sentido para modificar porque el prestador recibió más dinero en el largo plazo.

Los autores explican que, al considerar la posibilidad de modificar un préstamo, un inversor prudente debe equilibrar el coste de excluir del mercado a los costos de reducir el pago mensual del prestatario. La prueba de VPN es una herramienta preparada para el cálculo de este ratio y los autores de usar el instrumento se puede evaluar más de 1.500 casos de prueba. Los autores también pudieron incluir diferentes circunstancias, tales como el tamaño original del préstamo, los valores de propiedad diferentes, y así como el tamaño de la reducción de los pagos mensuales. Según el estudio de entonces, si el resultado final de la prueba muestra una tasa más baja de nuevo por defecto de la tasa real de re-forma predeterminada, el valor de la modificación del préstamo es superior a lo que podría ser conseguido a través de la ejecución hipotecaria. Por lo tanto, bajo estas condiciones, el prestamista debe conceder una modificación de préstamo en lugar de iniciar procedimientos de ejecución hipotecaria. El estudio del Centro calcula que la mayoría de las circunstancias del mundo real debería conducir a una sesión de ejercicios de préstamo.

Según el estudio, una modificación de préstamo que los descuentos de los préstamos en un 10% sería más rentable que el 86% del tiempo en virtud de los números de auto-curación. Así, el Centro ha concluido que las pruebas de VPN debe comenzar a inspirar a la voluntad de un prestamista para implementar el proceso de modificación de préstamo en su modelo de negocio.

Sacramento bankruptcy lawyers who file Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies on behalf of individuals will be glad to know that the Center for Responsible Lending has published a study that shows that it makes more sense for lenders to modify a distressed homeowner’s loan than to immediately foreclose on the individual’s property. The Center released a study on March 22 that researched whether investors who held a defaulting loan could retrieve more money through foreclosure or modification. The study used the net present value test (NPV), which is used by the federal loan modification program in addition to numerous private programs. The answer turned out to be (under most circumstances), whether the loan was securitized or not, that it made more sense to modify because the lender received more money in the long run.

The authors explained that when considering whether to modify a loan, a prudent investor must balance the cost of foreclosing with the costs of reducing a borrower’s monthly payment. The NPV test is a ready tool to calculate this ratio and the authors using the instrument were able to evaluate over 1,500 test cases. The authors were also able to include different circumstances such as original size of the loan, different property values, and well as the size of the reduction in monthly payments. According to the study then, if the end result of the test shows a lower re-default rate than the actual re-default rate, the value of modifying the loan is higher than what could be gotten through foreclosure. Therefore, under these conditions the lender should grant a loan modification rather than initiate foreclosure proceedings. The Center’s study calculated that most real-world circumstances should lead to a loan workout.

According to the study, a loan modification that discounts the loan by 10% would be profitable more than 86% of the time under existing self-cure numbers. Thus, the Center has concluded that NPV tests should begin to inspire a lender’s willingness to implement the loan modification process into its business model.

Datos recientes demuestran que los profesionales en el área metropolitana de Sacramento ya han tomado nota con respecto a las modificaciones de préstamos que se busca por individuos o corporaciones de presentación para el Capítulo 7 de bancarrota. El 3 de febrero de 2011, la Federal Reserve Bank de Chicago, publicó un estudio que muestra que los préstamos hipotecarios celebrada banco-es cuarto a un tercio por ciento más propensos a ser modificados de una hipoteca titulizada similar. El estudio también muestra que las personas que reciben la modificación del préstamo son casi el 10 por ciento menos propensos a dejar de pagar el nuevo préstamo generados por el banco. Del mismo modo, el Centro para la Integridad Pública señala que los propietarios tienen más probabilidades de obtener su préstamo renegociado si un banco sea dueño de su hipoteca por un margen del 26% – 36%.

La práctica de la titulización consiste en los bancos de inversión o intermediarios que los préstamos individuales paquete en una piscina por el que los inversores son capaces de comprar una participación en el conjunto de préstamos con los prestamistas que continúa reuniendo los pagos mensuales. Este “titulización” es completamente legal, pero es ampliamente culpado por su contribución a la crisis inmobiliaria, ya que permite instituciones de crédito para otorgar préstamos de alto riesgo y luego pasar el riesgo de impago a los inversores que compraron el paquete de fondos de préstamo.

Los prestatarios tienen nada que decir en cuanto a si el préstamo en su residencia se ha convertido en titulizados de esta manera. Desafortunadamente, estos prestatarios deben hacer frente a las consecuencias de sus préstamos han sido titulizados si buscan una modificación posterior. El aumento en las probabilidades de recibir una modificación de préstamo existente en un banco de préstamo celebrado parece que se mantienen firmes, independientemente de la calificación crediticia del prestatario. Las razones para esto puede ser debido a problemas de coordinación entre los inversores, las restricciones legales, así como la falta de incentivos administradores financieros (por ejemplo, que los administradores controlar los “préstamos”, pero no tienen una participación de propiedad ya que se ha pasado a lo largo de los inversores).

Recent data proves what practitioners in the Sacramento metropolitan area have already noted with regard to the loan Modifications being sought by individuals or corporations filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. On February 3, 2011 the Federal Reserve bank of Chicago released a study that shows that bank -held mortgage loans are one fourth to one third percent more likely to be modified than a similar securitized mortgage. The study also shows that individuals who receive the loan modification are almost 10 percent less likely to default on the new loan generated by the bank. Similarly, the Center for Public Integrity notes that homeowners are more likely to get their loan renegotiated if a bank owns their mortgage by a margin of 26% – 36%.

The practice of securitization consists of investment banks or brokers who bundle individual loans into a pool whereby investors are then able to buy a stake in the pool of loans with the lenders continuing to collect the monthly payments. This “securitization” is completely legal, but is widely blamed for contributing to the housing crash since it allowed institutional lenders to make high risk loans and then pass the risk of default onto the investors who purchased the bundled loan pools.

Borrowers have no say as to whether the loan on their residence has become securitized in this fashion. Unfortunately, these borrowers must deal with the consequences of their loan having been securitized if they seek a modification later. The increased chances of receiving a loan modification existing in a bank held loan appear to remain firm regardless of the borrower’s credit rating. The reasons for this may be due to coordination problems among investors, legal constraints, as well as a lack of servicers’ financial incentives (such that the servicers control the “loans” but do not have an ownership stake since it has been passed along to investors).

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