The Sacramento bankruptcy attorneys at the Law Offices of Matthew D. Roy routinely keep track of bankruptcy filing statistics across the United States. The Real Time Economics Blog reported on July 2 that bankruptcy filings in 2010 have surpassed the record number bankruptcy cases filed in 2005. 2005 saw a record number of bankruptcy filings due to the bankruptcy reform laws passed by Congress. Nonetheless, economists and bankruptcy experts alike have steadily projected that filing rates will meet or even surpass the record numbers seen in 2005, when many debtors scrambled to beat the deadline before more stringent guidelines came into effect, and it appears that they are correct.

As we are well aware, however, the United States in currently embattled in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Statistics show there were 770,117 bankruptcy filings in the country for the first 6 months of this year. That is a fourteen percent increase over the numbers provided in the first part of 2009. The American Bankruptcy Institute predicts a total of 1.6 Million filings for the entire year.

While June seems to have experienced a lull in bankruptcy filings from May, which was the third consecutive month that saw a decrease in filings, these filings still remained 8 percent higher than June of last year. Columbia Professor of Law Ronald Mann conducted a study that shows that the highest bankruptcy filing rates in the country were in the southwest and southeast. Nevada alone saw 15,000 filings per million households, more than twice the national average. The National average of bankruptcy filings is 6,800 filings per million households. Washington, D.C., South Carolina, and Alaska experienced the lowest filing rates across the nation. States in the southeast typically see the highest amount of filings across the Nation, however, Tennessee and Alabama appear to have experienced reductions in these rates.

Ayer, el New York Times señaló que la Legislatura Estatal de California está considerando legislación que busca proteger a los propietarios que resulten en ejecuciones hipotecarias contra las sentencias deficiencia. Una deficiencia es la diferencia entre lo que el prestamista recibe en la venta de ejecución hipotecaria sobre la propiedad y el saldo pendiente de la hipoteca. Por ejemplo, si el prestatario tiene una hipoteca de $300.000 en su residencia y va a dejar de pagar por el cual el prestamista recupera $250.000 dólares en la venta de ejecución hipotecaria una deficiencia de $50.000 existe. En muchos estados un prestamista puede presentar una demanda contra el prestatario y tratar de recuperar esa diferencia. Si tiene éxito, el prestamista obtiene lo que se llama una sentencia en rebeldía.

La ley de California protege a los residentes de Sacramento contra las sentencias deficiencia en su primer hecho de la confianza. Esto significa que si usted sólo tiene una primera hipoteca entonces usted puede simplemente caminar fuera de su propiedad y usted no necesita preocuparse por la responsabilidad personal sobre la diferencia entre lo que debe por la propiedad y lo que el banco se recupera en la venta de ejecución hipotecaria. Sin embargo, si han refinanciado su propiedad para obtener una mejor tasa de interés o sacar un segundo préstamo contra la propiedad o la propiedad en dificultades es su segundo hogar, estas protecciones no se aplican


Today, the New York Times noted that the California State Legislature is currently considering measures that seek to protect homeowners who go into foreclosure against deficiency judgments. A deficiency is the difference between what the lender receives at the foreclosure sale on a property and the outstanding balance on the mortgage. For example, if borrower has a $300,000 mortgage on his residence and goes into default whereby the lender recovers $250,000 at the foreclosure sale a $50,000 deficiency exists. In many states a lender can file a lawsuit against the borrower and seek to recover that difference. If successful, the lender gets what is called a deficiency judgment.

California law currently protects Sacramento area residents against deficiency judgments on their first deed of trust. This means if you only have a first mortgage then you can simply walk away from your property and you need not worry about personal liability on any difference between the balance owed on your mortgage and what the bank recovers at the foreclosure sale. However, if you have refinanced your property to get a better interest rate or taken out a second loan against the property or the distressed property is your second home, these protections do not apply.

Since many people have re-financed their properties over the last few years these anti-deficiency protections do not apply to many homeowners. This is why SB1178 seeks to extend the protection against deficiency judgments to people who refinanced and took out home equity loans. The catch is that the protections only rise to the level of the original loan amount. This means if a homeowner took out a $300,000 original loan and refinanced for $350,000, taking $50,000 of equity out of the house, the homeowner would be protected for up to $300,000 but would remain liable for the $50,000. So, if that same house sold for $250,000 then the homeowner would potentially owe the bank $50,000 instead of $100,000 if a deficiency was granted.

Uno de los grandes cambios en el Código de Bancarrota a cabo en 2005 por la Prevención del Abuso de Bancarrota y Protección al Consumidor (BAPCPA) es el requisito para los deudores para asistir a la asesoría de crédito antes de presentar la solicitud de quiebra y para completar un curso de educación financiera antes de recibir su aprobación de la gestión . Esta ley afecta a todos los residentes del Área de Sacramento que han considerado la presentación bajo el Capítulo 7 o Capítulo 13 de quiebra y sirve como un obstáculo absoluto para la descarga en caso de incumplimiento.

Los críticos de este requisito argumentan que las clases obligatorias añadir obstáculos injustificados a la aprobación de la gestión, son condescendientes, y poner los deudores que pueden estar experimentando dificultades económicas por causas ajenas a la suya, como los que han sido despedidos o incurrido en deudas médicas, en la misma categoría que los que son incapaces de manejar sus asuntos financieros. Los partidarios de las clases obligatorias marca el valor educativo de estos cursos proporcionan a un deudor. Para evaluar si estas clases obligatorias orden de justificación alguna, la Universidad de Illinois, junto con Money Management International (MMI), el más grande sin fines de lucro, de servicio completo de agencia de asesoría de crédito en marcha un estudio multifase que “los deudores a través de pistas del proceso de quiebra entero … para evaluar las necesidades de educación a largo plazo en su conjunto el bienestar financiero. ”

Los resultados preliminares del estudio, publicado hoy por la Universidad de Illinois, indican que el 99 por ciento de los deudores observó mejoras en sus actitudes, intenciones de comportamiento, y el conocimiento financiero después de tomar el curso obligatorio de 60-90 minutos asesoramiento previo a la presentación. Las clases pre-presentación se centran en conceptos rudimentarios de finanzas personales que ayuden a buscar un deudor por la manera de reducir gastos o aumentar sus ingresos con el fin de mejorar su situación económica. El estudio también señaló que existen numerosos factores que juegan en la toma de una persona a declararse en quiebra. Estos resultados iniciales muestran que las clases obligatorias puede ser un medio legítimo para ayudar a resolver los deudores con sus finanzas y obtener un nuevo comienzo tras la quiebra.

One of the big changes to the Bankruptcy Code implemented in 2005 by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA) is the requirement for debtors to attend mandatory credit counseling before filing the bankruptcy petition and to complete a financial education course before receiving their discharge. This law affects all Sacramento Area residents who have considered filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy and serves as an absolute bar to discharge if not complied with.

Critics of this requirement argue that the mandatory classes add needless barriers to discharge, are condescending, and put debtors who may be experiencing economic distress through no fault of his or her own, like those who have been laid-off or incurred substantial medical debts, in the same category as those who are unable to manage their financial affairs. Supporters of the mandatory classes mark the educational value these courses provide to a debtor. To evaluate whether these mandatory classes warrant any justification, the University of Illinois along with Money Management International (MMI), the largest nonprofit, full-service credit-counseling agency launched a multiphase study that “tracks debtors through the entire bankruptcy process…to assess the long-term educational requirements on their overall financial well-being.”

Preliminary results of the study, published today by the University of Illinois, indicate that 99 percent of debtors noted improvements in their attitudes, behavioral intentions, and financial knowledge after taking the mandatory 60-90 minute pre-filing counseling course. The pre-filing classes focus on rudimentary personal finance concepts that assist a debtor look for ways to cut expenses or increase their income in order to improve their economic situation. The study also noted that numerous factors exist which play into an individual’s decision to file for bankruptcy. These initial results show that the mandatory classes may be a legitimate way to help debtors deal with their finances and obtain a fresh start after bankruptcy.

Como un abogado de bancarrota en Sacramento a menudo tomo interés en los asuntos que afectan a mis clientes en el área metropolitana de Sacramento. Según un artículo publicado ayer en el New York Times, los propietarios de viviendas en todo el país están comenzando a tomar ventaja del retraso cada vez mayor entre el desalojo y la aplicación del proceso de ejecución hipotecaria por un deudor hipotecario. En el artículo “Owners Stop Paying Mortgages, and Stop Fretting” por David Streitfeld, el New York Times señala que las instituciones financieras han empezado el proceso de ejecución frente al 1,7 millones de hogares en todo el país. Si bien estas cifras sonidos asombrosos, muchos propietarios se han quedado en sus casas mucho más allá del tiempo normalmente asignado al proceso de ejecución hipotecaria.

El tiempo promedio de desalojo se ha incrementado desde 251 hasta 438 días a partir de la delincuencia original del prestatario en los pagos hipotecarios desde 2008. Si bien el proceso de ejecución hipotecaria siempre se ha mantenido un lento, y en California es de aproximadamente 3 meses, el desfase entre un banco de partida de todo el proceso y la expulsión definitiva de los dueños de casa se ha convertido en una aún más larga. Esta vez mayor entre la exclusión y el desalojo se puede atribuir a varias barreras que enfrentan las instituciones financieras en este entorno económico actual.

En primer lugar, muchos prestatarios han instituido desafíos legales contra el deudor hipotecario, en un intento de anular el embargo total o evitar la responsabilidad personal por el préstamo de violaciónes de que el prestamista pueda haber cometido al prestar el préstamo. Por ejemplo, The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) requiere que los prestamistas incluyen lenguaje específico y revelaciones de los documentos que proporcionan a los prestatarios en la originación de un préstamo. Si un prestamista no proporciona estas declaraciones, el prestatario no puede ser considerado personalmente responsable de cualquier defecto en la propiedad. Esto significa que un prestamista no puede demandar a un prestatario por la diferencia entre la cantidad del préstamo y el precio de remate hipotecario. En segundo lugar, algunos gobiernos estatales y locales han impuesto moratorias sobre la ejecución hipotecaria. En tercer lugar, el gobierno federal ha comenzado a ejercer presión a las compañías hipotecarias para ofrecer modificaciones de préstamos a propietarios en dificultades. Por último, muchos de los prestamistas están gravemente atrasados con las ejecuciones múltiples y los prestatarios morosos que simplemente no pueden llegar al proceso hasta mucho después de que se le permitiría continuar con el desalojo de acuerdo a la ley.

As a Sacramento Bankruptcy Attorney I often take interest in matters that affect my clients in the Sacramento metropolitan area. According to an article published today in the New York Times, homeowners across the nation are beginning to take advantage of the increasing delay between eviction and the implementation of the foreclosure process by a mortgagor. In the article “Owners Stop Paying Mortgages, and Stop Fretting” by David Streitfeld, the New York Times notes that financial institutions have begun the foreclosure process against 1.7 million households across the country. Even though this number sounds staggering, many homeowners have stayed in their homes far beyond the time typically allotted to the foreclosure process.

The average eviction time has increased from 251 to 438 days from the borrower’s original delinquency on the mortgage payments since 2008. While the foreclosure process has always remained a slow one, and in California takes approximately 3 months, the lag between a bank starting the entire process and the ultimate eviction of the homeowner has become an even longer. This increased time between foreclosure and eviction can be attributed to several barriers facing financial institutions in this current economic environment.

First, many borrowers have instituted legal challenges against the mortgagor in an attempt to void the lien entirely or avoid personal liability on the loan for violations that the lender may have committed when providing the loan. For example, The Truth in Lending Act (TILA) requires that lenders include specific language and disclosures in the documents they provide to borrowers upon origination of a loan. If a lender fails to provide these disclosures then the borrower cannot be held personally liable for any default on the property. This means a lender cannot sue a borrower for the difference between the loan amount and the foreclosure sale price. Second, some state and local governments have imposed moratoriums on foreclosure. Third, the federal government has begun to apply pressure to mortgage companies to offer loan modifications to distressed homeowners. Lastly, many of the lenders are severely backlogged with multiple foreclosures and delinquent borrowers that they just cannot get to the process until well after they would be permitted to proceed with eviction according to law.

Residentes de Sacramento en la zona que consultar con mi firma de abogados suelen plantearse preguntas acerca de sus derechos con respecto a los acreedores que esten en contacto con ellos una vez que se han convertido en morosos el pago de sus cuentas de tarjetas de crédito o hipotecas. Esta situación muchas veces llega a ser extremadamente frustrante o aterrador para una persona que ya está bajo mucho estrés debido a su situación financiera turbulenta.

Cuando el deudor se atrasa en las facturas de su crédito el acreedor puede ser particularmente molesto. De hecho, frecuentamente, el acreedor se hace francamente desagradable. Estas medidas suelen ser un intento por parte del acreedor a la vergüenza o persuadir a un deudor a pagar los saldos adeudados o hacer un último esfuerzo para recuperar una parte de la deuda. He oído historias de horror numerosos en relación con la extrema y, a veces escandaloso comportamiento acreedores han tomado con el fin de “persuadir” a un deudor para pagar. Este tipo de conducta por parte de los acreedores es vergonzoso. Afortunadamente, la ley de California establece que la conducta escandalosa de un acreedor se puede detener! Sin embargo, para que un deudor silenciar el cobrador de deudas agresivos, hay que tener una comprensión de la ley el acoso de acreedores que se aplica a él o ella en California.

Ambos leyes federales y estatales protegen los deudores individuales del acoso de un acreedor. Esto incluye tanto los métodos empleados y llevar a cabo por el acreedor contra el deudor. La Feria Nacional de la Deuda Colecciones Prácticas Hechos (NFDCPA) es el estándar federal que limita las medidas que un acreedor puede realizar para cobrar una deuda contraída con ellos. Homólogo de California se conoce como la Ley de Rosenthal y se presenta en Código Civil de California § 1788.

Sacramento area residents who consult my law firm often have questions regarding their rights with regard to creditors who contact them once they have become delinquent paying their credit card bills or home mortgages. This situation often times becomes extremely frustrating or frightening for a person already under significant amount of stress due to his or her turbulent financial situation.

Once a debtor falls behind on his or her credit bills a creditor can become particularly bothersome. In fact, often times, the creditor becomes downright obnoxious. These measures are typically an attempt by the creditor to shame or persuade a debtor into paying the balances owed or make a last ditch effort to recover some portion of the debt. I have heard numerous horror stories regarding the extreme and sometimes outrageous behavior creditors have taken in order to “persuade” a debtor to pay. This sort of conduct by creditors is shameful. Fortunately, California law provides that a creditor’s outrageous conduct can be stopped! However, in order for a debtor to silence the aggressive debt collector, one must have a grasp of the creditor harassment law that applies to him or her in California.

Both federal and state law protects individual debtors from a creditor’s harassment. This includes both methods and conduct employed by the creditor against a debtor. The National Fair Debt Collections Practices Acts (NFDCPA) is the federal standard that limits the measures a creditor may engage in to collect a debt owed to them. California’s counterpart is referred to as the Rosenthal Act and is laid out in California Civil Code § 1788.

News FlashAccording to the Wall Street Journal, California and Arizona are responsible for between 36%-46% of the year to date increases in consumer bankruptcy filings across the nation. While bankruptcy filings in April have been marginally lower than the filings from March, they still remain 15% above the statistics from April 2009. California, specifically, has seen a 40% jump in personal bankruptcy filings since this time last year.

144,490 people filed for personal bankruptcy in March throughout the entire United States. The Eastern District of California, the jurisdiction that oversees the bankruptcy process in the Sacramento area has seen approximately 32,000 Chapter 7 filings since January 1st alone. Economists predict that individual bankruptcy filings will top 1.5 million in 2010. This number exceeds the 1.4 million consumer bankruptcies filed in 2009, which has been the highest number of filings since Congress changed the bankruptcy laws in 2005. Congress reformed the system five years ago in order to reduce the number of bankruptcy filings by making it more difficult for individuals to qualify under Chapter 7.

If you or someone you know have been affected by the recent economic collapse and have considered filing for bankruptcy, you should take action now and discuss your financial situation with a Sacramento Bankruptcy Attorney.

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