As an attorney who protects my clients against foreclosure, I am very familiar with the concept of filing a Chapter 13 or Chapter 7 bankruptcy stop the foreclosure sale. Since the filing of a bankruptcy petition includes an automatic stay – a court order prohibiting all creditors from collecting against…
Sacramento Bankruptcy and Divorce Attorneys Blog
Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal Rules Tax Debt can be Discharged in Second Bankruptcy
Sacramento area residents considering a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy should be interested to learn about the recent United States Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals case: In re Brenda Marie Jones, which affects how a second bankruptcy filing affects a persons tax debts. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals…
Demanda Despedido por el Juez Federal
Los residentes de California que residen en el área metropolitana de Sacramento pueden estar interesados en conocer una actualización de la jurisprudencia que podría afectar a cualquier modificación de préstamo hipotecario. La tendencia actual en relación con los litigios que rodean el Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) ha sido reafirmado…
Class Action HAMP Lawsuit Dismissed by Federal Judge
California residents who reside in the Sacramento metropolitan area may be interested to know an update in case-law that could potentially impact any home loan modification. The ongoing trend regarding litigation surrounding the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) has been re-affirmed by a Washington D.C. Judge in Doreen Edwards et…
California State Senate Kills Foreclosure Prevention Bill
Lawmakers in Sacramento decided to vote against a bill that would have stopped “dual track” foreclosures across the state last week. The legislation, SB 729, required lenders to completely evaluate a borrower for a loan modification before they filed the notice of default, which officially begins the foreclosure process. Senate…
Las Modificaciones de Préstamos Parecen Estar en el Mejor Interés de los Inversores
Abogados de quiebra en Sacramento que archivan el Capítulo 7 y Capítulo 13 bancarrotas en nombre de las personas se alegrarán de saber que el Centro para Préstamos Responsables ha publicado un estudio que muestra que tiene más sentido para los prestamistas a modificar préstamo propietario de una casa en…
Loan Modifications Appear to be in the Best Interests of Investors
Sacramento bankruptcy lawyers who file Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcies on behalf of individuals will be glad to know that the Center for Responsible Lending has published a study that shows that it makes more sense for lenders to modify a distressed homeowner’s loan than to immediately foreclose on…
Modficiations préstamo concedido con menos probabilidades de Titulización de préstamos Según Reserva Federal de Chicago
Datos recientes demuestran que los profesionales en el área metropolitana de Sacramento ya han tomado nota con respecto a las modificaciones de préstamos que se busca por individuos o corporaciones de presentación para el Capítulo 7 de bancarrota. El 3 de febrero de 2011, la Federal Reserve Bank de Chicago,…
Loan Modficiations Less Likely Granted with Securitized Loan According to Chicago Federal Reserve
Recent data proves what practitioners in the Sacramento metropolitan area have already noted with regard to the loan Modifications being sought by individuals or corporations filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. On February 3, 2011 the Federal Reserve bank of Chicago released a study that shows that bank -held mortgage loans…
Tribunal Federal Comienza Represión de Fraude de Bancarrota
Sacramento residentes, que haya considerado o se presente Capítulo 7 o Capítulo 13 de bancarrota debe tener cuidado con las penas severas asociadas con el fraude de quiebra. Un informe del Des Moines Register muestra lo grave que el gobierno federal lleva a las personas que abusan del código de…