As tax season approaches, many Sacramento area residents look forward to getting their refund checks over the upcoming weeks. Whether filing for Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, however, local residents must keep in mind that any income received is taken into account when qualifying for bankruptcy. Few people realize that…
Sacramento Bankruptcy and Divorce Attorneys Blog
Bankruptcy Law Could Have Impact on Sale of Sacramento Kings
Focusing my practice on Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 Bankruptcy in the Sacramento metropolitan area I take notice of headlines that might interest individuals considering filing for bankruptcy in the region. Most of us are familiar with the controversy surrounding the Maloof’s proposed sale of the Sacramento Kings to a…
Debt Incurred From Failure to Pay Rent Not Dischargeable in Bankruptcy
As a Sacramento Bankruptcy Attorney I pay close attention to cases that affect residents living within the Sacramento metropolitan area. In a recent case heard by the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Bankruptcy Appellate Panel – In re Cha and Park – failing to pay ones rent, if determined…
Court Holds Domestic Support Obligations Not Automatically Dischargeable in Chapter 7 Bankrutpcy
As a Sacramento Bankruptcy Attorney I must often explain to my clients that domestic support obligations, such as spousal support and child support, are not dischargeable in Chapter 7 bankruptcy. This concept frustrates many individuals trying to clean up his or her economic profile. I must also remind these individuals…
Mayor Kevin Johnson Endorses Matthew D. Roy for Sacramento Charter Commission
Sacramento Mayor Kevin Johnson released his endorsement for local attorney Matthew D. Roy for the Sacramento City Charter Commission. The Charter Commission will be charged with reviewing the Sacramento City Charter and determining if revisions are needed. If revisions are proposed by the Commission, such revisions will be in the…
Sacramento Retirees Facing Special Challenges in Bankruptcy
All Sacramento area residents have been hit hard by the economic downturn of the last several years. Unfortunately, this downturn has begun to disproportionately affect senior citizens and people leaving the workforce. In the early 90’s people over 55 accounted for approximately 2 percent of bankruptcy filings. Today, seniors account…
Local Attorney to Run for Sacramento City Charter Commission
Attorney Matthew D. Roy has decided to run for a local position within the City of Sacramento in the upcoming November election. Matthew Roy started the Law Offices of Matthew D. Roy in 2010 that resolves personal and financial problems for Sacramento area residents. Mr. Roy is a graduate of…
Victory for Chapter 7 Debtor in Student Loan Discharge Case
As a Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorney in Sacramento I frequently receive calls from people who consider bankruptcy because they have oppressive student loan debt. Student loans are a major issue for many bankruptcy filers. I predict these issues will continue to increase and the laws will ultimately…
California Attorney General Rejects Another Attempt to Include State in Robo-Signing Settlement
As a practicing bankrtuptcy attorney in Sacramento I have followed the states progress in the “robo-signing” settlement talks with great interest. Attorney General Kamala Harris has recently made headlines by refusing to sign on to the national settlement, calling it inadequate to compensate Californians for the many losses they incurred…
Tribunal de Justicia Considera Un Administrador de Bancarrota Puede Recaudar Fondos de los Cheques no se Borran en el Día de la Presentación de la Quiebra
Como un abogado de bancarrota de Sacramento, que haga tomar el caso de un cliente antes de que él o ella presenta la petición de bancarrota. Hago esto con el fin de ayudarle a preparar la petición ante la actual presentación del capítulo 7 o el Capítulo 13. Preparación para…