
Sacramento Bankruptcy and Divorce Attorneys Blog


California Court Explains the Homestead Exemption in Bankruptcy Matters

Many Californians struggling to pay debts are worried that they will lose their homes if they file for bankruptcy. Fortunately, California’s bankruptcy laws allow certain properties to remain exempt from being liquidated and used to pay creditors, such as homes. A debtor must have some interest in a dwelling for…


California Court Discusses Characterization of Marital Property in Bankruptcy Cases

In many marriages, couples jointly own real estate. While couples may not consider the nature of the title of a property, in the context of bankruptcy, how a jointly owned property is characterized is a critical consideration for determining whether it will become part of the bankruptcy estate. The factors…


California Court Discusses Reopening of Closed Bankruptcy Cases

Not all bankruptcy petitions that are filed are granted. Instead, in some cases, the court will deny a petition or dismiss a case. Fortunately, however, the law allows for appeals, and in many instances, a petitioner can persuade a court to reverse its ruling and allow a bankruptcy action to…


California Court Discusses Withdraw of Reference of Bankruptcy Cases

Many bankruptcy claims are complex and involve adversary proceedings filed by creditors who believe the debtor engaged in conduct that renders their debt non-dischargeable, such as fraud. In some instances, a party alleging bankruptcy and non-bankruptcy claims in a single pleading in a case that is before a bankruptcy court,…


California Court Discusses Cause for Lifting Automatic Bankruptcy Stay

Generally, when a person files a petition for bankruptcy, an automatic stay will be entered that bars anyone from filing claims seeking damages from the party in state or federal court. In some instances, however, a bankruptcy court can lift the automatic stay, allowing litigation to proceed. Recently, a California…


Court Discusses Excusable Neglect in Filing an Appeal of the Dismissal of a California Bankruptcy Petition

The bankruptcy code aims to provide relief to people unable to manage their debts. Thus, even if a trustee files a motion to dismiss a person’s bankruptcy petition and a court grants the petition and dismisses a bankruptcy action, the law provides a right to appeal the dismissal. While an…


California Court Discusses the Award of Attorneys’ Fees For Prosecuting a Violation of a Stay

When a person files for bankruptcy, an automatic stay is entered, preventing creditors from taking further actions to collect debts from the person. Further, the law provides that if a creditor willfully violates a stay, anyone injured by the violation can recover actual damages, which includes attorneys’ fees and costs.…


California Court Discusses Requirements for Filing a State Court Action Against a Court Appointed Bankruptcy Officer

In many bankruptcy actions, the court will appoint officers to oversee certain aspects of the case. Any officer appointed by a court must remain neutral, and if a conflict is revealed, the officer usually must recuse his or her self from the case. When a party in a bankruptcy proceeding…



The Federal Appellate Panel for the 8th Circuit Court of Appeal recently held if a Debtor makes payments toward home improvements in an attempt to defraud a creditor, that those payments may not be exempt.  The issue for decision in this case was whether a debtor can claim home improvement…

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