The decision to file for either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 is a big one. This decision is one that requires substantial consideration and expertise. One of the most significant aspects of my work as a Sacramento Bankruptcy Attorney is to advise Sacramento area residents as to whether bankruptcy is…
Sacramento Bankruptcy and Divorce Attorneys Blog
Jueces Comenzar a Sancionar a Los Prestamistas de Trámites Descuidado
Los residentes en el área metropolitana de Sacramento son probablemente conscientes de que, en general, la ley prevé los jueces con amplio margen de discrecionalidad para imponer sanciones a las personas físicas y morales que aparecen frente a ellos. Como tal, cualquier residente que enfrentan una ejecución hipotecaria o posible…
Judges Begin to Punish Lenders for Sloppy Paperwork
Residents in the Sacramento metropolitan area are probably aware that, in general, the law provides judges with broad discretion to impose sanctions on the individuals and corporations that appear before them. As such, any resident facing foreclosure or possible Chapter 7 bankruptcy may be interested to know that judges have…
Chapter 13 Debtors Able to “Cram Down” Auto Loans!
Sacramento area residents considering Chapter 13 bankruptcy may be interested to know that bankruptcy law allows a filer to “cram down” an automobile loan to its fair market value. A “cramdown” is the lending and bankruptcy term that allows a borrower to eliminate any excess principal owed on a loan…
Los residentes de Sacramento, que está considerando presentar el Capítulo 7 o el Capítulo 13 puede estar interesado en saber que JPMorgan Chase ha decidido volver a examinar los documentos que presentó en aproximadamente 56.000 casos de ejecución hipotecaria. Estos problemas actuales giran en torno a firmas recogidas por los…
Sacramento area debtors who are considering filing either Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 may be interested to know that JPMorgan Chase has decided to re-examine documents they filed on approximately 56,000 foreclosure cases. These current issues revolve around signatures obtained by employees on affidavits about loan documents that they failed…
Reglas de la Corte de Apelaciones aumento de valor de propiedad pertenece a la masa de la quiebra
El 9 º Circuito de los EE.UU. Corte de Apelaciones, que tiene jurisdicción sobre todos los residentes del área de Sacramento, que el Capítulo 7 o Capítulo 13 de bancarrota, dictaminó ayer que el Capítulo 7 síndico de la quiebra puede ser capaz de vender la casa de un deudor…
Appellate Court Rules Increased Property Value Belongs to the Bankruptcy Estate
The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has jurisdiction over all Sacramento area residents who file Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy, ruled yesterday that a Chapter 7 bankruptcy trustee may be able to sell a debtor’s house if its value increases during the bankruptcy, even though the debtor’s…
Los Legisladores de Sacramento se oponen a Legislación contra Foreclosure / Modificación de las Hipotecas
Ayer, la Asamblea Estatal de California bloqueo legislación propuesta por el Senado que proteger a los propietarios contra la exclusion propietario mientras persiguiendo, al mismo tiempo, una modificación de préstamo. La legislación fue apoyada fuertemente por los grupos de interés de los consumidores y la oposición de la industria bancaria…
Sacramento Lawmakers Oppose Foreclosure/Modification Bill
Today, the California State Assembly blocked legislation proposed by the State Senate that would protect homeowners against foreclosure while pursuing a loan modification. The legislation was heavily supported by consumer interest groups and opposed by the California banking industry and business interests. The Assembly rejected SB1275 towards the end of…