
Articles Posted in Bankruptcy Legislation


California Court Discusses the Impact of Bankruptcy Stays on Litigation

In civil litigation involving defendants who file for bankruptcy, automatic stays under the Bankruptcy Code can complicate the proceedings. A recent California decision illustrates how courts handle the interplay between bankruptcy stays and ongoing civil cases. If you are navigating a case involving bankruptcy, it is crucial to consult a…


California Court Explains the Homestead Exemption in Bankruptcy Matters

Many Californians struggling to pay debts are worried that they will lose their homes if they file for bankruptcy. Fortunately, California’s bankruptcy laws allow certain properties to remain exempt from being liquidated and used to pay creditors, such as homes. A debtor must have some interest in a dwelling for…


California Court Discusses the Award of Attorneys’ Fees For Prosecuting a Violation of a Stay

When a person files for bankruptcy, an automatic stay is entered, preventing creditors from taking further actions to collect debts from the person. Further, the law provides that if a creditor willfully violates a stay, anyone injured by the violation can recover actual damages, which includes attorneys’ fees and costs.…


California Attorney General Rejects Another Attempt to Include State in Robo-Signing Settlement

As a practicing bankrtuptcy attorney in Sacramento I have followed the states progress in the “robo-signing” settlement talks with great interest. Attorney General Kamala Harris has recently made headlines by refusing to sign on to the national settlement, calling it inadequate to compensate Californians for the many losses they incurred…


California State Senate Kills Foreclosure Prevention Bill

Lawmakers in Sacramento decided to vote against a bill that would have stopped “dual track” foreclosures across the state last week. The legislation, SB 729, required lenders to completely evaluate a borrower for a loan modification before they filed the notice of default, which officially begins the foreclosure process. Senate…


Sacramento Lawmakers Oppose Foreclosure/Modification Bill

Today, the California State Assembly blocked legislation proposed by the State Senate that would protect homeowners against foreclosure while pursuing a loan modification. The legislation was heavily supported by consumer interest groups and opposed by the California banking industry and business interests. The Assembly rejected SB1275 towards the end of…


Sacramento Lawmakers Consider Bill to Protect Homeowners against Deficiency Judgments!

Today, the New York Times noted that the California State Legislature is currently considering measures that seek to protect homeowners who go into foreclosure against deficiency judgments. A deficiency is the difference between what the lender receives at the foreclosure sale on a property and the outstanding balance on the…


Student Debtor’s Situation Precarious in Sacramento Area with Regard to Student Loan Overhaul and Newly Proposed Bankruptcy Legislation

President Obama signed sweeping legislation affecting thousands of college students along with the acclaimed health-care bill on March 30, 2010. This overhaul changes the way students will finance their higher education. Obama’s higher education overhaul encourages individuals seeking to borrow money to pay tuition and education related expenses to take…

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